Check out this wonderful photo that Jill found and sent in!!  She wrote the following about her discovery.

"Today let’s take a stroll down memory lane for Linda and Bill’s family.  Here is a picture that was evidently sent from Aunt Linda to my mother Pauline of the Eaton family celebrating Uncle Bill’s birthday.  Aunt Linda wrote on the back of the photo, “Bill’s birthday, without Bill.  He’s the official photographer.  Next time I’ll have some pictures of him- by hook or by crook.”  Seated around the table are Linda Jo, Tony, Aunt Linda, Carol, and Doug."

A bit of chatting with the kids in the photo came up with even more information.  This photo can be dated to 1957 and was taken after the Eatons had moved to Cranford.  Linda on the lefthand side, would have been in 9th grade, and Carol, the youngest, is 4.  On the far right is Ruth Stone, aka Grammie Eaton, who was called The Mater by Linda and Bill.

Mater Litchfield/Barringer - photo age unknown
Another photo we didn't have previously is this VERY old photo of Mater Litchfield/Barringer, Linda (Slack) Stone's Grandmother. She is not technically a part of the Stone family, but she is part of our family history.  Per Jill,

"The story goes:  Linda's mother died young of tuberculosis, when both Linda and her brother were quite young.  Her grandmother raised her and her brother because their father was unavailable.  Linda's grandmother was both a Litchfield and a Barringer.  Aunt Mary thought she may have married twice.  Litchfield relatives of hers lived in America.  Twice, she and Linda sailed to America to visit the Litchfields, which is why I have photos of Litchfields.  On the second trip, Linda did not return to England with her grandmother as she had fallen in love with Ward and would remain in America to marry him.  Nice story, huh?  I don't have great-great-grammie's first name yet but hope to get it.  She did sign the card "Mater" which of course was a formal term for mother in England."

These photos are a treasure trove of family history and memories.  Please send in clean, uncompressed scans to post on the website with stories we can share about them.

In other page updates, there are more photos on the Photo Album page, and I've added a Snapshot page, where this and other group photos will go.  The Lineage page continues to be updated as additional family members, corrections, and additions are made.  Please feel free to email Jill or myself, or reply to this blog with your updates.

- Kathryn (Katy) Dodd

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