There is the family joke about how Gregory Stone came to the colonies on the good ship “Increase” and how “they have been increasing ever since.”  Ward and Linda had 7 children and those 7 children, our parents and aunts and uncle, had 26 children.  No, I am not going to get into who begets whom.  I am considering myself very fortunate that in less than a month, I will get to see several of those cousins.  We don’t have a specific count yet of who will be here for the reunion, but there will be at least 8 of us first cousins (Linda Jo, Doug, Michael, Larry, Bonnie, Jeffrey, Jill, Carol for starters) plus several of the next generation and the next.  Sadly, there are 3 cousins who will not be in attendance but will be with us in spirit.  Hardly a day goes by that I don’t think of my sister, Gail, and I am sure that is true for Sharon and Christopher, too.  Three of our 26 cousins have died much too young.  Christopher was on a cross-country bicycle trip in 1979, Gail succumbed to cancer after a brief but valiant battle in 1989, and Sharon most recently died after a many year struggle to overcome cancer also.  I know we hold them in our hearts and in that way they will be with us as we gather on Cousins Day.


Jill Martel

Webmaster's Note:  You can find photos of Gail and Christopher on the Photo Album.  I have included the photo of Sharon and her family here, since I do not have complete information on them or on Sharon's siblings yet.  When I do, I will move her over to the Photo Album with all of them.

Sharon, Wilf, Lauren and Jessica - 1998

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